
Appropriate clothing for an outdoor recreational activity can be an important part of the planning process. Being prepared adequately for the conditions that are faced will increase the chances of safely and successfully completing the activity, as well as increasing enjoyment. Some important factors to consider when planning the clothing needed are thermoregulation, durability and performance.

Thermoregulation is an important consideration in choosing appropriate clothing. This is important for both exposure to cold and hot weather. For example, in hot weather the ability to draw sweat away from the body will allow a person to remain cool. However, if the material absorbs the sweat and becomes heavy it can become uncomfortable. Material that dries quickly will remain more effective.

In cold temperatures, clothing that is insulated can be beneficial. When bushwalking, having multiple layers that can be added or removed is most effective as managing changes in temperatures is beneficial. When exposed to cold water, having a clothing such as a wetsuit can enhance the enjoyment and manage the potentially negative impacts of the cold on the body (see video below).

How to choose the perfect wetsuit

Durability is another important factor when considering the types of clothing needed for outdoor activities. Examining the strength and thickness of the material and how it will withstand wear and tear from brushing up against trees when mountain biking as an example is important.

Again, clothing can be expensive. Marketing can greatly influence the types of clothing chosen for outdoor activities. It is important to be critical of what is actually needed as opposed to what is being sold. Below is an interesting article outlining some of the considerations that should be looked at when choosing the types of clothing to be packed when preparing for outdoor activities.

The ultimate guide to outdoor clothing (

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